Loose-fish commonly known as the by-catch are fish that are not targeted by the long-line fishing vessels but do occasionally take the baited lines and in so doing are periodically caught as the by-catch.
General Names | Scientific Names |
Angel Fish Grey Angel |
Taractichthys Longipinnis
Brama Juponica / Tarachictys Steindachnen |
Bigeye Tuna | Thunnus Obesus |
Bigscale Mackerel/Gastoro | Gasterochisma Melampus |
Black Marlin | Makaira Indica |
Sokomoro/Mako Longfin/Por Beagle | Isurus Paucus/Lamna Nasus |
Blue Marlin | Makaira Nigricans |
Blue Shark | Prionace Glauca |
Dolphinfish Dorado Mahi Mahi |
Coryphaena Hippurus |
Longfin Tuna Albacore |
Thunnus Alalunga |
Oilfish Rough Skin Butterfish |
Ruvettus Pretiosus |
Oilfish Smooth Skin Butterfish |
Lepidocybium Flavobrunneum |
Opah Moonfish |
Lampris Regius |
Sailfish | Istiophorus Platyrpterus |
Shortbill Spearfish (Sukiyama) | Tetrapturus Angustirostris |
Skipjack Tuna Striped Tuna Pinstriped Tuna |
Katsuwonus Pelamis |
Striped Marlin | Tetrapturus Audax |
Mako Shortfin | Isurus Oxyrinchus |
Spanish Mackerel Sawara |
Macaulatus Scomberomorus |
Yellowfin Tuna | Thunnus Albacores |
We have re-constructed our distribution channels recently and in so doing, will be offering the above products in their gutted and gilled (G/G) and varied other forms to a wider and more global international market.
The sought after loose-fish such as the Oilfish, Albacore, Bigeye, Yellowfin, Swordfish, Marlin, Blueshark is offered G/G, DWT, Dressed, Chunks and Loins.
Other Loose-fish are offered only in G/G and DWT form.
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